Vitamin D Deficiency and Hair Loss

By Allen Woods 

hairlossHair loss can really be a big deal.

People have a natural tendency to get emotional or get defensive about anything that affects their appearance. Hair loss is a noticeable issue when it comes to self-image. It can cause us to feel insecure and very low at times.

Vitamin D may be your solution to hair loss. Vitamin D deficiency can lead to the fall out of hair and also stop hair growth. Scientist say that vitamin d can revive hair follicles that have shut down during hair loss. So if you aren't getting enough vitamin D, you aren't doing what you need to do to fight hair loss naturally.

Doctors usually say you need to take a number of vitamins and some treatment without telling you that vitamin D is the most important vitamin for fighting hair loss.

Men usually lose their hair from their genes or male pattern baldness, women on the other hand usually suffer from hair loss due to reactions outside the problem including their diets, surgery, or excessive stress.

Vitamin D is crucial to the process of growing hair. The problem is most people don't even get their recommended daily dosage of vitamin D. Vitamin D is known to be important for making sure bones and skin are strong and healthy. This is because research on vitamin D's role in bone development has been moving much faster the research on hair.

The hair growth cycle goes like this, follicles produce hair for 2 to 6 years before the hair starts falling out and the follicles lie dormant for a period of time ranging from a couple weeks to a couple months. Then the hair is replaced with newer stronger hair.

Sometimes hair follicles go in a sleeping mode and for some this "sleeping mode" becomes permanent and if a certain amount of follicles fall into "permanent sleep mode" in the same area of the scalp, baldness occurs.
Stem cells in the skin that have yet to mature can become skin cells or turn into hair follicles. If the chemical communication in the body isn't right, existing follicles go dormant and stem cells may become skin cells instead of becoming hair follicles.

Now you know the importance of vitamin D when it comes to the loss of hair. Vitamin D will help you cure your hair loss but it isn't the ultimate cure or solution. Vitamin D addresses part of the problem, you need to find out how to address the other problems. The best approach is to find natural methods that will work for you.

Do you suffer from hair loss? If you do go here immediately and find out how you can start re-growing your hair naturally! Click Here
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